90周年庆典晚宴 90th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
有任何疑问,请电话联系6738 2691或是电邮 poitip@teochew.sg
Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan’s 90th Anniversary Celebration Dinner
To commemorate the founding of the Huay Kuan, we will host the 90th anniversary celebration dinner in the Yishun District, which is named after late Mr Lim Nee Soon, a respected community leader in Singapore and was also the founding President of our Huay Kuan.
Join us with your family and friends in this joyous dinner event and be acquainted with your fellow members to celebrate the 90th anniversary of Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan!
For enquiries, please feel free to call us at 6738 2691 or poitip@teochew.sg.