新加坡潮州八邑会馆第45届董事会代表团出访马来西亚潮州公会联合会、泰国潮安同乡会、泰国潮州会馆 The 45th Board of Directors visited The Federated Teochew Associations of Malaysia, Teo Ann Association of Thailand and The Tio Chew Association of Thailand.

新加坡潮州八邑会馆第45届董事会代表团于2019年6月25日至27日拜访了马来西亚潮州公会联合会、泰国潮安同乡会与泰国潮州会馆,受到热情的欢迎与接待,此次造访交流活动,进一步拉近与海外潮团的联系,期盼未来与各海外潮属社团继续务实交流、敦睦联谊、加强联系。 再次感谢各位会馆领导们的接待,感恩!

Leaders of the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan 45th Board of Directors recently visited The Federated Teochew Associations of Malaysia, Teo Ann Association of Thailand and The Tio Chew Association of Thailand. Heartfelt appreciation to the leaders of the overseas teochew associations for their hospitality! We look forward to more pragmatic exchanges and cooperation with all our fellow overseas Teochew clan associations in future to further strengthen our close ties.