捏塑基础体验班 Basic Clay Sculpting Experience Class

大家一起玩捏塑! 亲子或老友一起学捏塑(粘土),在愉快的气氛中学习,培养观察力、想象力,提高审美情趣!
Learn clay sculpting with family or friends in a pleasant atmosphere to cultivate observation, imagination, and enhance aesthetic taste!
导师 Instructor: 曾平阶 Chan Pheng Kai
日期/时间 Date/Time: 22 June (Sat) 2024, 2pm to 5pm
地点 Venue: 潮州八邑会馆 563A Balestier Road, Singapore 329879
学习内容 Course Content: 粘土胸针 clay brooches/粘土冰箱贴 clay magnets
学费 Fees: 会员 $25;非会员 $30(包括免费提供材料与工具 Includes free materials and tools)