与天猛公艺术基金会签署谅解备忘录 MOU Signing Ceremony between TPIHK and Temenggong Artists-in-Residence



特别感谢本会馆潮语班林仰忠老师、馀娱儒乐社、Sims Galleria 带来精彩的解说与演出。

Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan and Temenggong Artists-In-Residence signed a Memorandum of Understanding on October 26, 2023, with Ms. Jane Ittogi, the First Lady, as the special guest.

The signed cooperation agreement clearly indicates both parties’ willingness to engage in long-term collaboration and our joint commitment to promote Teochew arts and culture. We will leverage on Temenggong’s rich Teochew cultural heritage and creativity, along with the extensive network of contacts established by the Huay Kuan, both locally and internationally, to collaborate effectively in better showcasing and promoting our Teochew culture and art with distinctive local characteristics, both locally and even globally.

We extend our sincere thanks to Mr. Nigel Lim, the teacher of our Teochew dialect class, as well as the Er Woo Amateur Musical & Dramatic Association and Sims Galleria for their outstanding commentary and performances.