马潮联会90周年联欢晚宴 90th Anniversary Dinner of The Federated of Teochew Associations Malaysia
新加坡潮州八邑会馆会长吴木興于2024年8月16日至17日率领代表团出席马潮联会90周年联欢晚宴。 诚挚感谢马潮联会的盛情款待! 期盼未来与各海外潮属社团继续务实交流、敦睦联谊、保持紧密联系。
Dr Derek Goh, President of the Teochew Poit Ip Huay Kuan, led a delegation to attend the 90th Anniversary Dinner of The Federated of Teochew Associations Malaysia on August 16-17, 2024. We extend heartfelt appreciation to The Federated of Teochew Associations Malaysia for their warm hospitality We eagerly look forward to more pragmatic exchanges and cooperation with all our overseas Teochew clan associations in the future, in order to further strengthen our close ties.